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Contact us! For information on a complimentary workshop on the brain and behavior, complete this form.
Or call 518 952-1257
Watch: Healing the 
Broken Brain

About David Balog

Through 12 years and four editions, David Balog created, wrote, and edited The Dana Sourcebook of Brain Science. At the Dana Foundation, he worked with leading brain scientists and researchers, including Nobel laureates, to make their findings accessible and understandable to the general public.


More than 50,000 copies of the Sourcebook were distributed to more than 50 countries to teachers, students, professionals, and the general public.


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Information about the brain and behavior reduces stress, erases the stigma of mental illness, and improves lives.


One in five of us will have a brain disease or disorder. But all of us will know or care for one.


These 45-minute workshops, conducted before employees, parents, and the general public give the basics of brain structure and a picture of the healthy brain and the deep problems that can arise from a compromised br



Alcohol, Drugs, and the Brain


Meth, heroin, marijuana, alcohol...substance abuse can seriously compromise the brain. Addiction is a brain disease. Find out why and what is in the addiction treatment "tool box."



Pain and the Brain


Pain is a memory. But this is one memory we don't want. Learn the pathwayss of pain, how the brain processes pain, and suggested treatments from pain experts.


Growing Pains: The Developing Brain
The infant, child, and adolescent brain are incredible works in progress. From an overabundance of brain cells, the individual, by experience and biology, carves a unique personality.


More than the "common cold" of brain illnesses, depression, left untreated, can lead to deeply serious issues. Yet, despite many treatments, depression in many ways remains a mystery disease.

Stress, Trauma and LGBT/Q Youth


The unique phenomenon of "minority stress" manifests uniquely in LGBT/Q youth.  What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and how does it manifest in the developing brain? ·The role of foster/adoptive families in supporting the healing process in LGBT youth..



The Aging Brain: Will I Get Alzheimer's?
What to expect with our brains as we age. Is Alzheimer's inevitable? Does the adage "use it our lose it" apply? What can we do to keep our brains sharp, other than crossword puzzles?

Available Workshops

Reducing Financial Stress
Migraines, insomnia, ulcers, and unproductive workers are just some of the results of deep financial worries. This workshop shows the basics of how money works--taxes, debt, compound interest, retirement plans--so that we can reduce the #1 stressor for families today. Participants receive a free e-copy of How Money Works: A Common Sense Guide to Financial Health.


Yes, send me more details. (Or call 518 952-1257)
A Thousand Moms
Building Community Support for LGBT/Q Youth in Foster/Adoptive Care
2367 Curry Road
Schenectady NY 12303
518 322-0607


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The Brain and Health 



Essential, Clear Information for

Parents and Professionals

  • Memory
  • Alcohol, Drugs
  • Depression
  • The Teenage Brain
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Pain
  • Concussions
  • Alzheimer's
  • Financial Stress
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